Month: March 2009

Sunday Rituals

For heathens (or hedonists) like me, Sunday consists not of rest and religious services but of food and flea markets.   At Isabella’s on Columbus and W. 77th I worship the concept of brunch, that wonderful meal offering me the options of both breakfast and lunch.  As an added bonus, Isabella’s brunch comes with a complimentary Bloody Mary, Bellini, Campari, mimosa or glass of champagne and a basket of raisin-fennel and carrot breads.   Is it any wonder why I bound out of bed?      Suffering from a terrible sweet tooth, I usually order the carmelized banana-stuffed French toast.  Topped with strawberries macerated in Grand Marnier sauce, it’s both decadent and ever so slightly good for me.  (Just remember, whether sauteed in sugar and butter or soaked in orange liqueur, it’s still fruit.  Or so I keep telling myself.)  On mornings when I’m hankering a cholesterol boost, I opt for Isabella’s smoked salmon Benedict on a buttermilk biscuit with a side of home fries.  And, on those rare Sundays when I’m feeling a tad health conscious, I order the seasonal fruit plate.       After brunch it’s across the street to the temple of quirky consumption, GreenFlea.  Looking for bronze …

Home Cooked Comfort

Day after day I read the newspaper, listen to NPR and watch the news and feel surprisingly fortunate.  Granted, most of the publications for which I write have declared bankruptcy and my monthly financial statements have become the butt of sad jokes.  Yet, to paraphrase the Republican party of the 1920’s, I still have ‘a chicken in the pot and a car in the backyard, to boot. ‘   Where I notice this economic downturn is in the kitchen.  It’s not how often I cook but what I cook that differs.  Gone are the big, time consuming dinners featuring exotic ingredients found only at gourmet and specialty shops.  Instead I now make simpler, more comforting fare.    One such heartening meal is ratatouille.  After yet another day of dire news I can think of nothing more nurturing than tucking into a warm bowl of this garlic-scented, vegetable-rich, Provencal stew.  With eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers and hints of basil, oregano and thyme, it gives me a much needed lift when I’m down. Who doesn’t feel bolstered by a good, hot soup?  I know that I do.  Pumpkin, chicken with orzo, vegetarian black bean, potato leek, …