Yes, I Can! - Kitchen Kat
Well, no, actually I don’t. I did, however, take a hands-on preserving class last week that taught me a bit about canning. Foremost, I discovered that I won’t be spending my summer afternoons hovering a steaming pressure canner in my equally steamy kitchen. Why not? In a word, equipment. I don’t own a pressure canner, a key tool in canning. I suspect that I won’t develop a passion for preserving that is worthy of the $70 to $325 investment in one, either. Equally important and, truthfully, the primary reason, I learned just how exacting food preservation must be. Dole out one under-heated jar of green beans or expired bottle of garlic-infused oil and I’ve served my guests a lovely bowl of botulism. Thanks to my tainted meal, they can look forward to dry mouth, slurred speech, difficulty breathing, diarrhea and vomiting followed by respiratory failure, paralysis and death. A to-die-for dinner indeed. In reality the likelihood of me poisoning my friends is quite slim. As long as I faithfully follow the recipes, which I am rarely wont to do, and keep my pressure canner gauge at 11 pounds, I can safely can. WooHoo! If I were to …
Kathy Hunt